Sunday, July 11, 2010

Kaspersky: Spreads Market by Doctor Virus

For lovers of information technology (IT), a name well known as Kaspersky antivirus enabled sophisticated. Today, Kaspersky diligently pursue a market through various media. One of them via the internet form DokterVirus site.

Data storage security is crucial today. The rapid development of computer technology, the more prone to security file (file) data we have. Due to frequent virus attacks the data file, now many products that offer anti-virus program for data protection. Of the many anti-virus, Kaspersky is a product that is well known.

Today, Kaspersky is a market leader in antivirus and Internet security products. This product is the output of Kaspersky Lab, Russia-based company that specializes in security applications. Since early 2008, Kaspersky Lab appointed PT Astrindo Servia as the sole distributor for Kaspersky Consumer Product sales in Indonesia. The existence of these distributors facilitate the user's PC and mobile devices in Indonesia to get the Kaspersky antivirus program. PT Astrindo Servia was founded in 2006 with the aim to help develop the market of information technology (IT) in Indonesia. With a distribution network of the broadest, diharapan leading information technology can be enjoyed by the whole society in the country.

According to Joni Irwanto, General Manager of PT Astrindo Servia, antivirus and internet security nowadays has become mandatory software that must be owned by each user's computer. The rise of internet use and easy to access data that is available on the internet make the higher the threat to the infected computer for viruses, spyware, malware, and more.

Since its establishment three years ago, the development of a dynamic PT Astrindo Servia classified in accordance with the development of IT industry in general. This company is one of the distributors of IT is quite careful in choosing a quality product and according to the Indonesian market. In accordance observations company, Kaspersky is the Best Antivirus product for several years.

Target market and segment targeted by Kaspersky are all computer users, both netbooks, notebooks, PCs, and servers. Kaspersky reach all existing societies. "Our market share is the consumers who are particularly vulnerable to viruses and other threats. In addition, we also target the segment of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), "said Joni.

Regarding the price, Kaspersky products are quite competitive and relatively affordable, ie starts at USD 250 thousand for the most basic product. However, the barriers facing today is the level of awareness of computer users are still low on the use of antivirus products quality, and also the level of software piracy is still high.

Various advantages and benefits of Kaspersky antivirus is the reason the community in choosing this product. Apart from very easy to install and use, this product is the fastest antivirus update it. Both these factors make Kaspersky very interested by all circles both fluent IT and novice computer users.

For its marketing strategy, the company focuses on communication to enhance brand awareness and education on a regular basis through training and seminars to business partners and users of the product. In addition, no less important is the attention to the availability of such products in computer stores, making it easily affordable by the consumer. "We provide a convenient distribution point for the buyer, through our business partners spread all over the country, or purchase online through," said Joni.

Joni recognized, in addition to innovations in technology, marketing strategies and education to the community about the importance of using quality antivirus also be an important factor in helping increase sales.

To strengthen market penetration, Kaspersky pursuing a strategy of communication through various media, whether electronic, print media, and exhibitions (such as that done some time ago through the exhibition at the JCC). Consumer's voice did not escape are taken seriously. The company also received advice, either directly or indirectly, from the prospective users. "Suggestions are directly is via seminars, training or web survey. While that is not directly is through the comments from our business partners, "said Joni.

Although many other antivirus products on the market, but there are no other products that compete directly with Kaspersky. This is because each product has the characteristics of each. Kaspersky has several advantages over similar products in the market. Among these are her support network spread all over Indonesia. Through the hotline, e-mail, as well as business partners of PT Astrindo Servia scattered in various regions, consumers will feel safe and comfortable in using products Kaspersky antivirus and internet security. In addition, all existing processes in Kaspersky also diautomatisasi better user experience. The process of updating, scanning, and so on are made automatically to reduce user interaction. The update process is very fast and performed almost every one hour once to anticipate the development of the virus very quickly.

Another advantage is, feature HIPS (Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System) technology to maximize the cutting-edge algorithms to prevent intruders accessing a computer and a virtual keyboard technology that allows us to conduct online transactions safely. Then parental control features that are also very effective in preventing the negative effects of the internet for children by limiting the browsing behavior of users according to age.

One thing that makes PT Astrindo Servia Kaspersky successfully market their products here is their consistency in managing three things, namely to develop a good product, a smooth supply of products, as well as pre and post-sale service is perfect.

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