Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Develop Your Annual Marketing Plan

In January of this year many businesses sit to review their business plan, but do not pay attention to their marketing plans. There has never been a better time than the end of the year or early the new year to sit and reflect on what works for you and what is not. It is also a good time to develop a marketing calendar for the coming year.

An annual marketing plan will assist you in finding out what you need to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Marketing plan should go hand-in-hand with your business plan and development.
In the marketing course we will return your marketing goals and determine what you hope to achieve in the coming year with your marketing efforts. Often companies avoid this process because they do not know where to start the process. That's what I'm here. Over the next eight weeks I will guide you through the steps to create a solid marketing plan. At the end of our course, you will complete the following:

* Preparation of the mission statement and vision for the coming year.
* Discover and define your market niche.
* Explain and identify your services.
* Develop and plan your marketing strategy.
* Explore and identify your competitors.
* Create measurable marketing objectives.
* Create a marketing calendar that contains the schedule month-by-month marketing activities and events for the coming year.
* Learn how to monitor the results of your marketing efforts.
When we have finished you will have a strong marketing plan in your hand. This will be an important tool that will help you work smarter not harder to achieve your marketing goals. Every year you will want to return this course marketing and revise your marketing plan. Your marketing plan should reflect the changes and goals based on marketing experience of the previous year.

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